The Rabbit Holes /Screen 4



Une projection en continu de courts métrages. Il s’agit parfois d’explorations profondément personnelles, parfois d’explorations formellement radicales de l’image, du son et de l’atmosphère.


Une projection en continu de courts métrages. Il s’agit parfois d’explorations profondément personnelles, parfois d’explorations formellement radicales de l’image, du son et de l’atmosphère.

Wij Herinneren U Eraan (Belgium) by Marijke De Belie / Moments Of Resonance To Keep A Fire Burning (Belgium) by Siddharth Govindan / Lilies (U.S.) by Joni Renee Whitworth / Sync (Canada) by Alexander Mackenzie King / The Builder (Israel) by Kobi Vogman / The Hole (Belgium) by Jos Baker, Julie De Clercq / Passages (Belgium) by Nathalie Rossetti / Rivolta E Malinconia (Italy) by Mattia Biondi / Ahead (U.S.) by Brian Cowe / Little Farewells (Taiwan) by Shantel Liao / Shift (Belgium) by Jos Baker / 2 Minutes Before The Digital War (France) by Graphset / Mikkael Doczekalski / Jupiter (Italy) by Daniele Sciolla / A Sand On The Seafloor (U.S.) by Joo Young (Judy) Kim / The Art Of Falling, A Metaphor Of The Life Under Covid (Belgium) by Johanne Saunier / C-19 (Greece) by Philippos Kappa / The Natural Death of a Mouse (Germany) by Katharina Huber / Lust des Schöpfers (Spain) by Carles Pons Altimira / Wild Grass (Taiwan) by Shan Wu / SPORA (Belgium) by Loes Vanneste, Lena Mariën / My Own Landscapes (France) by Antoine Chapon / The Moth (U.K.) by Geordie Leyland / A letter from Al Barzakh (Belgium) by Waleed Al Madani / Tunable Mimoid (Australia) by Vladimir Todorovic / The Execution (Japan) by Jeroen Van der Stock / Trailer Traders (U.S.) by Karmen Kreti

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