Brussels Independent Film Festival 2020


    Free Entry + Popcorn

    The renewed Brussels Independent Film Festival is an annual, weeklong event that highlights independent and experimental cinematic talent. Full program available by clicking on the title.


    Free Entry + Popcorn

    The renewed Brussels Independent Film Festival is an annual, weeklong event that highlights independent and experimental cinematic talent. Full program available by clicking on the title.


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    The renewed Brussels Independent Film Festival is an annual, weeklong event that highlights independent and experimental cinematic talent.

    The Centre Multimedia in Brussels founded the Brussels Independent Film International Festival (Festival International du Film Indépendant de Bruxelles) in 1974, to focus explicitly on super-8 films and other technically experimental cinematic styles. Although the festival was originally devoted to more highly experimental pieces, it expanded to include many different types of independent offerings.

    Inspired by that original movement, the revived Brussels Independent Film Festival continues to emphasize lesser known, vanguard cinematic works and further its tradition of galvanizing budding talent. Most importantly, the Brussels Independent Film Festival creates a space for unique visionaries and voices. True to its history, the festival screens films of both novices and veterans —with medium and low budgets— from all over the globe. The festival’s goal is to create a warm, open atmosphere in which filmmakers, fans, critics, and producers can watch the films of emerging talents, explore new cinematic techniques and styles, and award cinematic excellence.

    The Brussels Independent Film Festival creates an intimate atmosphere in which to revel in the beauty and wonder of the cinema with like-minded cineastes from all over the globe.

    All week / 9 – 15 February / 14:00 – 21:00 The Rabbit Holes / Cinema Galeries Exhibition Hall / Info


    Brussels Independent Film Festival

    February 09-15.02 2019

    Galerie de la Reine 26

    1000 Bruxelles

    All films english spoken or subtitled


    Mail your name to join the guestlist
    Free Entry + Popcorn



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