Friday February 14 2020, 19:00-21:00


    This screening session features 6 films from United States, The Netherlands, Portugal, Iran and United Kingdom


    This screening session features 6 films from United States, The Netherlands, Portugal, Iran and United Kingdom


    Friday February 14 – 19:00-21:00



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    [button color="black" size="normal" alignment="none" rel="follow" openin="samewindow" margin="0 0 0 25px" url=" Friday February 14 - 19:00-21:00"]Reservation[/button] 
    Reservations required: don't 
    forget to mention your name and 
    the number of seats you'd like. 


    [two_third_last padding= »0 0 0 20px »]

    This screening session features 6 films. All films are English spoken and/or English subtitled.

    Cinéma GALERIES (Studio)
    Koninginnegalerij 26 Galerie de la Reine
    1000 Brussels

    Free entry and popcorn.
