I Wanted to be Walt Disney (online view)


    Join us for a free online screening of « I Wanted to be Walt Disney »! Creator of a parallel universe, ironic and tragic, intimate and able to speak to the world, in any language – architecture, art, design, writing, and critique. Alessandro Mendini telling the story of a dream which become true, like Walt Disney.


    Join us for a free online screening of « I Wanted to be Walt Disney »! Creator of a parallel universe, ironic and tragic, intimate and able to speak to the world, in any language – architecture, art, design, writing, and critique. Alessandro Mendini telling the story of a dream which become true, like Walt Disney.

    I Wanted to be Walt Disney

    Francesca Molteni


    Join us for a free online screening of « I Wanted to be Walt Disney ». To watch the film, just visit the home page (www.galeries.be) or the Facebook event at 19:00 on April 30th. Available until midnight, the film url will be revealed at the announced time. Due to the high traffic at that time on our website, the link for the video may appear a little later than 19:00. Enjoy!   [five_sixth padding= »0 25px 0 0″] [one_third padding= »0 20px 0 0″]  

    SHOWTIMES (OV) : [rhc_next_upcoming_dates max="21"] 

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    LANGUAGE: Original
    SUBTITLES : English
    DURATION : 35 min.
    RELEASE YEAR : 2016[/two_fifth][three_fifth_last padding= »0 0 0 10px »]  
    GENRE : Documentary
    £PLACE : Online 
    PRICES : Gratuit
    PARTNERSHIP: ADAM DESIGN MUSEUM & Muse Factory of Projects [/three_fifth_last]  

    Creator of a parallel universe, ironic and tragic, intimate and able to speak to the world, in any language – architecture, art, design, writing, and critique. Alessandro Mendini telling the story of a dream which become true, like Walt Disney. “My way of acting and designing is an autobiographic need”, he says. “I have the feeling of belonging to the past. I use antique methods, far away from the today’s logic, such as the pencil. Although I have always criticized it, even my search for beauty is old fashioned.” A research accompanied by many encounters – Alberto Alessi, Emilio Ambasz, François Burkhardt, Piero Bisazza, to name a few – by obsessions, the utopias, such as designing the perfect object. [/two_third_last] [/five_sixth] [one_sixth_last padding= »0 0 0 25px »] [/one_sixth_last]