
    One of the best and most important movies of the year. Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times.

    As they drive, these two unlikely fugitives will discover themselves and each other and will forge a deep and powerful love.


    One of the best and most important movies of the year. Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times.

    As they drive, these two unlikely fugitives will discover themselves and each other and will forge a deep and powerful love.

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    [button color="black" size="normal" alignment="none" rel="follow" openin="samewindow" margin="0 0 0 25px" url="https://buytickets.at/galeries/350419#ticket_selection"]TICKETS 9PM[/button]
    Screening at 6:30 pm SOLD OUT
    SHOWTIMES (OV Fr/Nl sub) : [rhc_next_upcoming_dates max="21"] 


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    Melina Matsoukas


    [two_fifth]ORIGINAL LANGUAGE: English

    SUBTITLES : French & Dutch

    DURATION : 132 min.

    RELEASE DATE : 11 mars 2020

    [/two_fifth][three_fifth_last]GENRE : drama

    PLACE : Cinema Galeries

    PRICES : 8,50€ / 6,50€ / UGC Unlimited / Art 27

    PARTNERSHIP: RECOGNITION / COOP[/three_fifth_last]


    As they drive, these two unlikely fugitives (a black man – Get Out’s, Daniel Kaluuya – and a black woman – Jodie Turner-Smith, in her first starring feature-film role), will discover themselves and each other in the most dire and desperate of circumstances and will forge a deep and powerful love that will reveal their shared humanity and shape the rest of their lives.






    One of the greatest love story of all time. It’s for everyone. The New York Times

    That kind of insular honesty is rare in any kind of art but particularly perilous in cinema. The New Yorker

    One of the best and most important movies of the yearChicago Sun Times

    Matsoukas also finds two first-rate performances in Kaluuya and Turner-Smith. Theirs is one of the more carefully paced romances in recent memory, and the subtle way their tension switches from fear to desire is masterful New York Post