Buster’s World

Buster’s World
- 2021
- Langduur 85
- Prijzen 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
- Moderatorkaartje Article 27, Arsène 50
- Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited
Buster is an optimist and altruist 11-year-old who loves everything in his life. He's always willing to lend a helping hand to his little sister (who is often targeted by bullies due to a leg problem), his parents and his old friend Mr. Larsen who is, like Buster, a "master magician". This summer Buster hopes to be a big hit at the town’s big talent show. He has a lot on his plate: he has a crush on Joanna, Mr. Larsen's health is deteriorating, and his family also needs him. But in Buster's world, with a little magic and a lot of love, things will work out.
Buster is an optimist and altruist 11-year-old who loves everything in his life. He's always willing to lend a helping hand to his little sister (who is often targeted by bullies due to a leg problem), his parents and his old friend Mr. Larsen who is, like Buster, a "master magician". This summer Buster hopes to be a big hit at the town’s big talent show. He has a lot on his plate: he has a crush on Joanna, Mr. Larsen's health is deteriorating, and his family also needs him. But in Buster's world, with a little magic and a lot of love, things will work out.

Op maandag 12 augustus is Cinema Galeries uitzonderlijk gesloten wegens werkzaamheden.
Bedankt voor uw begrip.
- Filem’On – het Internationaal Filmfestival voor Jong Publiek – is toe aan de 15de editie, met een tiendaags festival van 27 oktober tot en met 6 november 2021. Zoals elk jaar stelt het festival een uniek programma voor aan scholen, families en verenigingen in Brusselse culturele toplocaties.
In het kader van het evenementen
Extra informatie
VNL Live Dubbing / doublage en direct en néerlandais
Question / Réponse du producteur Hans Bülow Ungfelt
Vraag / antwoord van producer Hans Bülow Ungfelt
Question / answer from producer Hans Bülow Ungfelt