By the throat – Festival En Ville !

By the throat – Festival En Ville !
- Langduur 75
- Prijzen 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
- Moderatorkaartje Article 27, Arsène 50
- Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited
The invisible borders that separate us lie in our throats. The throat emits the sounds of our native language, shaped by where we grew up to pronounce the words just so. It is a vocal passport, a seemingly permanent identity marker that sets us apart. The film looks at the science, technology, cultural biases, and politics behind our attempts to sort people. Are these borders really as clear as we think?
The invisible borders that separate us lie in our throats. The throat emits the sounds of our native language, shaped by where we grew up to pronounce the words just so. It is a vocal passport, a seemingly permanent identity marker that sets us apart. The film looks at the science, technology, cultural biases, and politics behind our attempts to sort people. Are these borders really as clear as we think?

- Een documentaire filmfestival over onze grondgebieden, hun verbeelding, en degenen die ze bewonen en/of tot leven brengen. Elke straathoek is een gelegenheid om nieuwe mensen te ontmoeten. Een veelzijdig festival, een plaats van verschillende ontdekkingen voor wie openstaat voor de verrassingen van de "cinéma du réel".
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Compétition Internationale