Calle Lopez

Geregisseerd doorGerardo Barroso Alcala, Lisa Tillinger

Calle Lopez

Geregisseerd doorGerardo Barroso Alcala, Lisa Tillinger
  • LAND Mexique
  • 2013
  • Langduur 80
  • Prijzen 9.50 €, 7.50 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
  • Moderatorkaartje Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places Cinema Galeries, UGC Unlimited, Cineville Pass


Quietly observing, a camera immerses itself in one of the liveliest streets of Mexico City, Calle lópez. In an earthy black-and-white, the film documents the daily life of a strikingly diverse working world. Fragmentary activities merge into a visual drama of the workday and achieve an incensive snapshot of urban parallels: cinematic poetry in the bustle of daily life.


Quietly observing, a camera immerses itself in one of the liveliest streets of Mexico City, Calle lópez. In an earthy black-and-white, the film documents the daily life of a strikingly diverse working world. Fragmentary activities merge into a visual drama of the workday and achieve an incensive snapshot of urban parallels: cinematic poetry in the bustle of daily life.