L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Blue Island

L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Blue Island
- LAND China
- 2022
- Langduur 97
- Prijzen 9.50 €, 7.50 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
- Moderatorkaartje Article 27
- Abonnement Carte 5 places Cinema Galeries, UGC Unlimited, Cineville Pass
This mix of documentary, fiction, and visions of the future reveals the current state of desolate depression among the people of Hong Kong. “A desperate attempt to capture the final moments of a sinking island”, as maker Chan Tze-woon himself puts it.
In four chapters, Chan looks back at previous moments of resistance and revolution on the island: in 1967, 1973, and 1989. He shows how the activists of then are faring now. Some still burn with righteous fire, while others are disillusioned or have been bought off by the system. The past is presented in fictional scenes, with today’s activists playing those of yesteryear. As one of the young demonstrators observes of her predecessor: “All the hardships he endured seem to be repeating in our generation."
This mix of documentary, fiction, and visions of the future reveals the current state of desolate depression among the people of Hong Kong. “A desperate attempt to capture the final moments of a sinking island”, as maker Chan Tze-woon himself puts it.
In four chapters, Chan looks back at previous moments of resistance and revolution on the island: in 1967, 1973, and 1989. He shows how the activists of then are faring now. Some still burn with righteous fire, while others are disillusioned or have been bought off by the system. The past is presented in fictional scenes, with today’s activists playing those of yesteryear. As one of the young demonstrators observes of her predecessor: “All the hardships he endured seem to be repeating in our generation."

- Voor de 13e editie neemt het L’Heure d’Été festival je mee op reis naar Hong Kong! Ter gelegenheid van de tiende verjaardag van de parapluprotesten vertonen we 20 films, van de jaren 1970 tot 2023. Deze vertoningen zijn verdeeld tussen de Cinéma Galeries en onze openluchtpartners Vaux Hall in het Warandepark en Cultureghem in… Lees verder L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Blue Island