L’heure d’hiver Napoli : Ammore e malavita

L’heure d’hiver Napoli : Ammore e malavita
- Langduur 133
- Prijzen 9.80 €, 7.80 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €
- Moderatorkaartje Art. 27, Ticket Last Minute
- Abonnement Carte 5 places Galeries, UGC Unlimited, Cineville Pass
In order to avoid the death of her husband (the criminal boss Don Vincenzo, "King of the Fish"), Donna Maria sends her henchmen to kill a lookalike (a shoe-seller) and then she sets up a fake funeral, while the husband is hiding in a secret place. But a nurse saw Don Vincenzo alive in the hospital while he was supposed to be dead, as the TV says. To hush the witness up, Don Vincenzo orders to his best trained bodyguards, Ciro and Rosario, to find the nurse and kill her. Ciro finds the nurse: surprisingly she is Fatima, the only girl he ever loved, which he had abandoned when he began his criminal career. To save her, Ciro hides Fatima by his uncle Mimmo, and starts a bloody fight with all his clan, including his best friend Rosario.
In order to avoid the death of her husband (the criminal boss Don Vincenzo, "King of the Fish"), Donna Maria sends her henchmen to kill a lookalike (a shoe-seller) and then she sets up a fake funeral, while the husband is hiding in a secret place. But a nurse saw Don Vincenzo alive in the hospital while he was supposed to be dead, as the TV says. To hush the witness up, Don Vincenzo orders to his best trained bodyguards, Ciro and Rosario, to find the nurse and kill her. Ciro finds the nurse: surprisingly she is Fatima, the only girl he ever loved, which he had abandoned when he began his criminal career. To save her, Ciro hides Fatima by his uncle Mimmo, and starts a bloody fight with all his clan, including his best friend Rosario.

- Elk jaar nodigt L’Heure d’Hiver u uit om een stad uit het Middellandse Zeegebied te verkennen door de lens van cinema, waarbij de vele facetten van haar identiteit, geschiedenis en cultuur worden onthuld. Voor deze 7e editie richten we onze blik op Napels, een fascinerende stad waar verleden en heden, pracht en chaos, realiteit en… Lees verder L’heure d’hiver Napoli : Ammore e malavita