L’heure d’hiver Napoli : Selfie

Geregisseerd doorAgostino Ferrente

L’heure d’hiver Napoli : Selfie

Geregisseerd doorAgostino Ferrente
  • Langduur 76
  • Prijzen 9.80 €, 7.80 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €
  • Moderatorkaartje Art. 27, Ticket Last Minute
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places Galeries, UGC Unlimited, Cineville Pass


Alessandro and Pietro, both aged 16, film themselves with a cell phone to tell the story of their friendship, the tragedy of Davide, and their everyday lives if the difficult Traiano district of Naples.


Alessandro and Pietro, both aged 16, film themselves with a cell phone to tell the story of their friendship, the tragedy of Davide, and their everyday lives if the difficult Traiano district of Naples.