Visual Arts
De tentoonstelling zal elke dag geopend zijn van 16u tot 21u.
Welkom op de vernissage op 16 mei om 19u30. Registratielink : hier
Deze tentoonstelling wordt georganiseerd in het kader van het Syrische Filmfestival en presenteert de kunstwerken van AbdulKarim Majdal Albeik, Mohamad Omran & Odai Alzoubi. De culturele agenda wordt gefinancierd door de EU en georganiseerd door de Europese Commissie in het kader van de Jaarlijkse Conferentie over de Toekomst van Syrië en de Regio.
De tentoonstelling zal elke dag geopend zijn van 16u tot 21u.
Welkom op de vernissage op 16 mei om 19u30. Registratielink : hier
Assemblage – Dark Nights onto Rolling Waves – Mohamad Omran & Odai Alzoubi
‘Assemblage: Dark Nights onto Rolling Waves’, is the joint work of visual artist Mohamad Omran and author Odai Alzoubi. According to them, this work “reflect[s] on the relationship between the individual, the public and power in Syria, from the 1980s to the present, by presenting nine events, some of which are exceptional and unique, while others are typical and repetitive”. Painting and text is used to analyse each event visually, and literally.
Negative – AbdulKarim Majdal Albeik
In this project, AbdulKarim Majdal Albeik examines the themes of “memory, identity, and belonging”, in the experiences of Syrian communities living in their host countries, as well as the various challenges they face. Using photographs taken in the contrasting worlds of these and creating works of art, Negative seeks to explore feelings of transformation, and to blend their experiences in order to “create a new substance”.
- The program will feature four film screenings, three of which will be accompanied by three panel discussions, two immersive visual arts experiences, a collaborative vernissage, and a closing concert. Disclaimer: Views, thoughts and opinions expressed during these events reflect solely those of the artists and do not constitute endorsement by the European Union.