Batang West Side
- Langduur 315
- Prijzen 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
- Moderatorkaartje Article 27, Arsène 50
- Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited
“A curiously oblique film that builds almost imperceptibly, Lav Diaz’s five-hour “Batang West Side” — at once deadly serious and howlingly absurd — is a masterpiece.” – Variety
A Filipino boy is shot dead in the street under strange circumstances. A policeman with Filipino roots, who is failing to assimilate in a foreign country, takes the case. The investigation leads him deep into the pain-ridden world of the Filipino diaspora in the United States—a world of crime, split identities, and the deep trauma left by years of colonialism and the country’s bloody history.
“A curiously oblique film that builds almost imperceptibly, Lav Diaz’s five-hour “Batang West Side” — at once deadly serious and howlingly absurd — is a masterpiece.” – Variety
A Filipino boy is shot dead in the street under strange circumstances. A policeman with Filipino roots, who is failing to assimilate in a foreign country, takes the case. The investigation leads him deep into the pain-ridden world of the Filipino diaspora in the United States—a world of crime, split identities, and the deep trauma left by years of colonialism and the country’s bloody history.
J.CRONK. The L Magazine
- Als één van de belangrijkste Filipijnse filmmakers heeft Lav Diaz een heel eigen plaats verworven in het internationale filmlandschap met zijn epische portretten van de menselijke conditie. Zijn films vertrekken vanuit de getroebleerde geschiedenis van zijn land, terwijl ze ook die lokale context overstijgen via hun revolutionaire karakter en verlangen naar verandering. Met de duur… Lees verder Batang West Side