- Langduur 97
- Prijzen 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
- Moderatorkaartje Article 27, Arsène 50
- Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited
During the civil war, many well-off Lebanese families fled the country to look for their personal interests internationally, leaving behind their residences under the care of maids and laborers from Egypt, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. The film draws the portrait of a war-tormented Beirut neighborhood, and the love between a Muslim militia fighter and a Christian maid.
During the civil war, many well-off Lebanese families fled the country to look for their personal interests internationally, leaving behind their residences under the care of maids and laborers from Egypt, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. The film draws the portrait of a war-tormented Beirut neighborhood, and the love between a Muslim militia fighter and a Christian maid.

- Ter gelegenheid van het jaarlijkse filmfestival L'heure d'hiver stelt Cinema Galeries een stad in het Midden-Oosten voor. Het programma wil de stedelijke, demografische, sociale en politieke dynamiek van de stad weerspiegelen, maar ook en vooral het verhaal vertellen van hoe deze dynamiek wordt beleefd: welke verhalen ze vormen, welke ervaringen en welke perspectieven.