
- Langduur 64
- Prijzen 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
- Moderatorkaartje Article 27, Arsène 50
- Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited
A filmmaker arrives to work on his new film and is faced with a colossal explosion that changes his life and what he can do for himself and his city. Octopus explores the aftermath of the Beirut explosion. The city is under construction and there is a strange eerie nature to how life continues even in its simplest forms. The filmmaker, himself a survivor, finds himself drawn to experience and silently narrate what reality felt like to other survivors through a metaphysical lens.
A filmmaker arrives to work on his new film and is faced with a colossal explosion that changes his life and what he can do for himself and his city. Octopus explores the aftermath of the Beirut explosion. The city is under construction and there is a strange eerie nature to how life continues even in its simplest forms. The filmmaker, himself a survivor, finds himself drawn to experience and silently narrate what reality felt like to other survivors through a metaphysical lens.

- Ter gelegenheid van het jaarlijkse filmfestival L'heure d'hiver stelt Cinema Galeries een stad in het Midden-Oosten voor. Het programma wil de stedelijke, demografische, sociale en politieke dynamiek van de stad weerspiegelen, maar ook en vooral het verhaal vertellen van hoe deze dynamiek wordt beleefd: welke verhalen ze vormen, welke ervaringen en welke perspectieven.