The Lebanese Rocket Society + Rounds

Geregisseerd doorJoana Hadjithomas, Khalil Joreige
  • 2012
  • Langduur 93
  • Prijzen 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
  • Moderatorkaartje Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited


Between 1960 and 1967 in Lebanon, under the supervision of Professor Manoug Manougian, students from the University of Haigazian built several rockets including the Cedar 4, which was 8 meters long and reached the stratosphere. This amazing story has been rediscovered by the artists. Rounds, short: A strangely familiar driver is filmed wandering through the streets of Beirut.


Between 1960 and 1967 in Lebanon, under the supervision of Professor Manoug Manougian, students from the University of Haigazian built several rockets including the Cedar 4, which was 8 meters long and reached the stratosphere. This amazing story has been rediscovered by the artists. Rounds, short: A strangely familiar driver is filmed wandering through the streets of Beirut.