L’heure d’hiver Napoli : Californie

Directed byAlessandro Cassigoli, Casey Kauffman

L’heure d’hiver Napoli : Californie

Directed byAlessandro Cassigoli, Casey Kauffman
  • movie_detail_year 2021
  • Duration 78
  • Prices 9.80 €, 7.80 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €
  • Moderator ticket Art. 27, Ticket Last Minute
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places Galeries, UGC Unlimited, Cineville Pass


Selected for the Venice Film Festival in 2021, “Californie” is a powerful film in which Khadija Jaafari, who plays Jamila, delivers an incredible performance.


The five year trajectory of a young woman from Morocco who tries to fit into a small town near Naples : her dreams, her disappointments and her loneliness.


Selected for the Venice Film Festival in 2021, “Californie” is a powerful film in which Khadija Jaafari, who plays Jamila, delivers an incredible performance.


The five year trajectory of a young woman from Morocco who tries to fit into a small town near Naples : her dreams, her disappointments and her loneliness.