Directed byGreta Stocklassa
  • COUNTRY Czech Republic
  • Duration 85


“Why can't we live in peace?” asks Stocklassa in the personal introduction to her documentary. She searches for an answer together with Hans Blix, former head of the UN Security Council weapons inspectors. In a candid recap interview, Stocklassa focuses primarily on the search for weapons of mass destruction after September 11, 2001. Although they were never found, they served as a pretext for the US invasion of Iraq. When it comes to the question of personal responsibility for the war and other disasters, Blix transforms from a kindly Swedish senior citizen into a forceful diplomat who refuses to discuss certain topics. His portrait also provides an insightful discussion of the limits of diplomacy and empathy.


“Why can't we live in peace?” asks Stocklassa in the personal introduction to her documentary. She searches for an answer together with Hans Blix, former head of the UN Security Council weapons inspectors. In a candid recap interview, Stocklassa focuses primarily on the search for weapons of mass destruction after September 11, 2001. Although they were never found, they served as a pretext for the US invasion of Iraq. When it comes to the question of personal responsibility for the war and other disasters, Blix transforms from a kindly Swedish senior citizen into a forceful diplomat who refuses to discuss certain topics. His portrait also provides an insightful discussion of the limits of diplomacy and empathy.