Cabaret Crusades III: The Secrets of Karbala

Directed byWael Shawky
  • 2015
  • Duration 120


Cabaret Crusades III: The Secrets of Karbala is presented by Ohme in the framework of the satellite
programme of the exhibition Tell All The Truth But Tell It Slant —, taking place at FACE B, rue
Lebeau 18, 1000 Bruxelles, until 9 July.


Cabaret Crusades III: The Secrets of Karbala (2014) is, like all three works in the trilogy, based on the 1983 book The Crusades through Arab Eyes by the French-Lebanese writer Amin Maalouf. Interested in history’s interpretation more than history itself, Shawky created a highly stylised visual language using marionette puppets of blown glass and a handmade, revolving set. The result is a mesmerizing, visually stunning journey through a conflict whose effects still resonate in today’s world.


Cabaret Crusades III: The Secrets of Karbala is presented by Ohme in the framework of the satellite
programme of the exhibition Tell All The Truth But Tell It Slant —, taking place at FACE B, rue
Lebeau 18, 1000 Bruxelles, until 9 July.


Cabaret Crusades III: The Secrets of Karbala (2014) is, like all three works in the trilogy, based on the 1983 book The Crusades through Arab Eyes by the French-Lebanese writer Amin Maalouf. Interested in history’s interpretation more than history itself, Shawky created a highly stylised visual language using marionette puppets of blown glass and a handmade, revolving set. The result is a mesmerizing, visually stunning journey through a conflict whose effects still resonate in today’s world.