El Gran Movimiento

Directed byKiro Russo

El Gran Movimiento

Directed byKiro Russo
  • Duration 85
  • Prices 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
  • Moderator ticket Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited


In present-day Bolivia, Elder takes a week-long walk to La Paz alongside his young miner friends to demand a reinstatement of their job. However, Elder suddenly falls ill, causing him to suffer frequent choking and shortness of breath after having found work in a local market. As his condition gets worse, he enlists the help of the elderly Mamá Pancha, who sends him to Max – a homeless witch doctor, hermit, and clown – who could have the ability to bring Elder back to life.


In present-day Bolivia, Elder takes a week-long walk to La Paz alongside his young miner friends to demand a reinstatement of their job. However, Elder suddenly falls ill, causing him to suffer frequent choking and shortness of breath after having found work in a local market. As his condition gets worse, he enlists the help of the elderly Mamá Pancha, who sends him to Max – a homeless witch doctor, hermit, and clown – who could have the ability to bring Elder back to life.

That plot acts as a loose framework for Russo’s various flights of audiovisual fancy, and his film operates neatly as a high-altitude headtrip where textures and colours are as important as our hero’s gradual descent into another place.
D. JENKINS. Little White Lies