Exhibition Lav Diaz
Together with the KUNSTENFESTIVALDESARTS, Cinema Galeries sets up an exhibition on the work of Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz.
L’exposition est un voyage et un paysage – visuel et sonore –, qui traduit à la fois l’inévitable prévalence de la nature sur l’homme et est une métaphore de l’histoire du peuple philippin. Elle s’adresse ainsi aussi bien au public qui connait déjà les films de Lav Diaz qu’à un public néophyte qui cheminera à travers les éléments de la nature et in fine le cycle de la vie.
Together with the KUNSTENFESTIVALDESARTS, Cinema Galeries sets up an exhibition on the work of Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz.
8 may – 18h : Opening + Drink
The exhibition opening will be introduced by a discussion between Olivier Marboeuf, author, critic, independent curator and director of the Khiasma space in Paris, and Lav Diaz. It will address the space of escape and wandering within the cineast’s films «a space for oneself, where each body can find its own chronobiology within his work».
The exhibition is a journey and a landscape – both visual and aural – that reflects both the inevitable prevalence of nature over
humanity and is a metaphor for the history of the Filipino People. It is thus designed for both the public already familiar with Lav
Diaz’s films and for a neophyte audience who will travel through the elements of nature and ultimately the cycle of life.
- Together with the KUNSTENFESTIVALDESARTS, Cinema Galeries is organising a focus on the work of Filipino director Lav Diaz, with a retrospective of his films, an exhibition and a performance.