
Directed byOmar El Zohairy


Directed byOmar El Zohairy
  • COUNTRY Egypte
  • 2022
  • Duration 112


A passive mother who dedicates her life to her husband and children. Stuck in daily, repetitive, mundane chores, she has made herself as little as she possibly could. When a magic trick goes wrong at her 4-year-old son’s birthday party, an avalanche of coincidental absurdities befalls the family. The magician turns her husband, the authoritarian father, into a chicken.


A passive mother who dedicates her life to her husband and children. Stuck in daily, repetitive, mundane chores, she has made herself as little as she possibly could. When a magic trick goes wrong at her 4-year-old son’s birthday party, an avalanche of coincidental absurdities befalls the family. The magician turns her husband, the authoritarian father, into a chicken.

Galeries Distribution
Galeries de la Reine, 26, Koninginnegalerij
1000 Bruxelles, Brussels
+32 2 514 74 98