Ghosts of Afghanistan

Directed byJulian Sher

Ghosts of Afghanistan

Directed byJulian Sher
  • COUNTRY Canada
  • Duration 89
  • Prices 8.00 €, 6.00 €
  • Moderator ticket Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited


As the Taliban took control of Afghanistan and the "good war" ends in chaos and tragedy, Graeme Smith, a war correspondent, gives a first-hand account of NATO's failed attempt to bring democracy, women's rights and freedoms to the country.


As the Taliban took control of Afghanistan and the "good war" ends in chaos and tragedy, Graeme Smith, a war correspondent, gives a first-hand account of NATO's failed attempt to bring democracy, women's rights and freedoms to the country.

Julian Sher is a director and a screenwriter of television reports and documentaries. He wrote six books and he has worked as an investigative journalist for Canada’s two major English-language dailies, “Toronto Star” and “The Globe and Mail”. He was also a senior producer for “The Fifth Estate”, Canada’s most renowned investigative programme broadcasted on CBC. He won the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award, the equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize in television journalism for the direction and the scriptwriting of the investigative report “Nuclear Jihad” on nuclear terrorism featured in The New York Times and on CBC.