Jacky Caillou + Q&A

Directed byLucas Delangle

Jacky Caillou + Q&A

Directed byLucas Delangle, starringThomas Parigi, Edwige Blondiau, Lou Lampros
  • COUNTRY France
  • Duration 92
  • Prices 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
  • Moderator ticket Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited


A mountain village. High in the Alps. Jacky Caillou lives with her grandmother, Gisèle, a magnetist-healer recognized by all. As Gisèle begins to transmit her gift to him, a young woman arrives from town to consult. A strange stain spreads over his body. Certain that he will be able to cure her, Jacky runs after the miracle.


A mountain village. High in the Alps. Jacky Caillou lives with her grandmother, Gisèle, a magnetist-healer recognized by all. As Gisèle begins to transmit her gift to him, a young woman arrives from town to consult. A strange stain spreads over his body. Certain that he will be able to cure her, Jacky runs after the miracle.