Film debate: La cravate

Directed byEtienne Chaillou, Mathias Théry
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Film debate: La cravate

Directed byEtienne Chaillou, Mathias Théry
  • COUNTRY France
  • Duration 97
  • Prices 6.00 €


By following the journey of an FN activist, this remarkable documentary explores both the psyche of an activist and that of a party with a troubled past. The film is followed by a debate with the director Etienne Chaillou and political scientist Pascal Perrineau, a specialist in electoral sociology.


Bastien is twenty years old and has been active in the main far-right party for five years. When the presidential campaign begins, he is invited by his superior to become more involved. He begins to dream of a career, but old demons resurface...


By following the journey of an FN activist, this remarkable documentary explores both the psyche of an activist and that of a party with a troubled past. The film is followed by a debate with the director Etienne Chaillou and political scientist Pascal Perrineau, a specialist in electoral sociology.


Bastien is twenty years old and has been active in the main far-right party for five years. When the presidential campaign begins, he is invited by his superior to become more involved. He begins to dream of a career, but old demons resurface...


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    Etienne Chaillou


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    Pascal Perrineau

    Political scientist, specialist in electoral sociology

Un grand film documentaire au souffle romanesque. Grâce à l’intelligence de sa mise en scène, au regard constamment clairvoyant sur ce qu’il regarde, le tandem livre un grand film d’aujourd’hui.
Les Inrockuptibles
En suivant le parcours d’un militant du FN, ce documentaire remarquable explore à la fois la psyché d’un militant et celle d’un parti au passé trouble. L’originalité du dispositif évite tout manichéisme.
Les Fiches du Cinéma

Additional information

Practical: The platform (La Vingt-Cinquième Heure) will ask you to create an account to book the screening. The viewing link and information to watch the film will be sent to you by email with your payment confirmation.