Pink Expo 2021 : A Queer Exhibition

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    In these uncertain times, when the security aspect under the guise of health measures is taking precedence over our individual freedoms, when the question of the essential place of culture in our Western capitalist societies is being challenged, we are particularly proud to present to you for this very special edition, the Queer gems of 2021.


    In these uncertain times, when the security aspect under the guise of health measures is taking precedence over our individual freedoms, when the question of the essential place of culture in our Western capitalist societies is being challenged, we are particularly proud to present to you for this very special edition, the Queer gems of 2021.

    Pink Expo 2021 : A Queer Exhibition

    From 12 to 20 November
    Opening on 12 November at 19:00

    Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 2pm to 8pm. Closed on Mondays.

    Inwë Delhez (festival poster illustration)
    Aubane Berthommé Martinez (video)
    Marie Casaÿs (illustration)
    Jean Fürst (photography)
    Egon Ghestem (collage)
    Tina Kaden (illustration)
    Vincent Puren (graphic arts)
    Babou Sanchez (installation)
    Sdsavages (Graphic Arts)
    The Spears Against Capitalism (video)
    Romain Vennekens (video/photography)
    Rafaël Voets (painting)
    Julian Volz (installation video)