Pink Screens 2024 : All shall be well – Cinema Galeries

Pink Screens 2024 : All shall be well

Directed byRay Yeung

Pink Screens 2024 : All shall be well

Directed byRay Yeung
  • COUNTRY Chine, Hong-Kong
  • movie_detail_year 2024
  • Duration 93
  • Prices 9.00 €, 7.00 €
  • Moderator ticket Article 27, Ticket Last Minute
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places Cinema Galeries, UGC Unlimited, Cineville Pass


Session in collaboration with non-for-profit association Activ’elles.


Angie and Pat had been living together for 30 years, for the world to see. When Pat unexpectedly dies, Angie has to face both her grief and her in-laws, who want to leave her with nothing. Ray Yeung's drama is an absolutely beautiful and moving film about an old lesbian couple, death and the concept of family. All Shall Be Well is a subtle examination of what remains of love and a life together after the death of a partner, when everythings around seems to be striving to erase it.


Session in collaboration with non-for-profit association Activ’elles.


Angie and Pat had been living together for 30 years, for the world to see. When Pat unexpectedly dies, Angie has to face both her grief and her in-laws, who want to leave her with nothing. Ray Yeung's drama is an absolutely beautiful and moving film about an old lesbian couple, death and the concept of family. All Shall Be Well is a subtle examination of what remains of love and a life together after the death of a partner, when everythings around seems to be striving to erase it.