Queer Exhibition 2022

    From the Stonewall riots to today’s trans-identified people, multitudes of fighters have allowed, allow and will allow our LGBTQIA+ visibilities to infuse our homes, our beings, our lives. However, given the battlefields to come, our visibility is unfortunately not universal and remains vulnerable.
    It is this vulnerability that makes us always need “safe space”.

    And it is in this sense that The Queer Exhibition within the Pink screens festival wishes to offer a space of expression to queer plastic identities where our sensitivities, our struggles can be masterfully expressed. Painting, drawing, photography, installation, video, The Queer exhibition 2022 literally explodes!

    Quentin Chevenet
    Zaëll de Coster
    Agathe Dananaï
    Manon Didierjean
    EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community + Serena Vittorini
    Fanny Goerlich
    Zoé Hagen & Liza Siche-Jouan
    Pilou Kerbart
    Victor Lacô
    Corentin Laurens
    Natacha Lurquin
    Stiofan O’Ceallaigh
    João Pedro Rodrigues
    Tom de Pekin
    Louka Perderizet
    Flavio Rodrigo
    Léonie Stolberg
    Alice de Visscher