Screening | Leticia Ramos
- COUNTRY Brazil
- Duration 50
Mendes Wood DM is pleased to invite you to a screening of seven films by Brazilian artist Leticia Ramos on Friday, September 13, at 5 pm.
This screening will take place at Cinema Galeries alongside the exhibition Galáxias by Leticia Ramos and Patricia Leite at Mendes Wood DM Brussels.
1.ERBF – Câmera Instantâneo Sequencial (1,2), 2007, 3'38''
2.Grão, 2014, 7'30''
3.[VOSTOK], 2014, 7‘30‘‘
4.Não é difícil para um investigador da natureza simular seus fenómenos / For a researcher of the nature, it is not difficult to simulate a phenomenon, 2018, 7'22''
5.A Noite Azul / The Blue Night, 2017, 4'
6.Null Island, 2020, 6‘30‘‘
7.Drop Spike, 2021, 5'
Mendes Wood DM is pleased to invite you to a screening of seven films by Brazilian artist Leticia Ramos on Friday, September 13, at 5 pm.
This screening will take place at Cinema Galeries alongside the exhibition Galáxias by Leticia Ramos and Patricia Leite at Mendes Wood DM Brussels.
1.ERBF – Câmera Instantâneo Sequencial (1,2), 2007, 3'38''
2.Grão, 2014, 7'30''
3.[VOSTOK], 2014, 7‘30‘‘
4.Não é difícil para um investigador da natureza simular seus fenómenos / For a researcher of the nature, it is not difficult to simulate a phenomenon, 2018, 7'22''
5.A Noite Azul / The Blue Night, 2017, 4'
6.Null Island, 2020, 6‘30‘‘
7.Drop Spike, 2021, 5'
Letícia Ramos explores the limits of the production and exegesis of analog images through photographic and film works, which she also develops into installations, objects, publications, and performances. Her practice is directed towards the aesthetic intersections between the documental and the fictional, occurring between natural and imaginary landscapes, between the discourses of historical records and those of invented characters, whilst simultaneously exploring the relationship between graphical memory and the nature of the abstract and spectral.
Using rigorous technical and formal procedures as a point of departure, the artist emulates aspects of scientific expeditions in order to guide us along ambiguous and atemporal objects and themes. In this sense, she builds inventive photographic apparatuses – such as cameras, models, and sets – in order to think about the use of these devices as elements of speculation, representation, and production of geographic and poetic terrains.
Letícia Ramos (1976, Santo Antônio da Patrulha) lives and works in São Paulo.
Her selected solo exhibitions include HISTÓRIA UNIVERSAL DOS TERREMOTOS, Itinerarios XXIII, Fundación Botín, Santander (2017); VOSTOK – Um prólogo, Pivô, São Paulo (2013); Bitácora, Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo (2012); Escafandro, La Bande Video, Quebéc (2011); ERBF – Estação Radiobase Fotográfica, Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, (2009/2010).
Additionally, her work has been included in institutional group exhibitions such as Biennale Jogja XII, Jogja (2017); Hercule Florence: Le nouveau Robinson, Nouveau Musée National Monaco, Villa Paloma (2017); 18º Festival de Arte Contemporânea Sesc Videobrasil – Panoramas do Sul, Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo (2013); Expo Projeção 1973-2013, Sesc Pinheiros, São Paulo (2013); Se o clima for favorável / Wheather permitting… 9ª Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre (2013); Programa de Fotografia, Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo (2012); Trilhas do Desejo, Rumos Artes Visuais, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo (2009).