Silence of reason

Directed byKumjana Novakova

Silence of reason

Directed byKumjana Novakova
  • movie_detail_year 2023
  • Duration 64
  • Prices 9.00€, 7.00€
  • Moderator ticket Art. 27, Ticket Last Minute
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places Galeries, UGC Unlimited, Cineville Pass


Première belge
Prix International : Cinéma du réel 2024


Forensic video essay constructed as a performative research into the first international criminal tribunal case to enter convictions for war-time rape as a form of torture and sexual enslavement as a crime against humanity. While working solely with archive and testimonies, Silence of Reason acts as a memory itself: elusive and fluid, it rejects framing, moving in all directions, spatial and temporal. The singular experiences of violence and torture by women from the Foča rape camps during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina become our collective memories, surpassing time and space.


Première belge
Prix International : Cinéma du réel 2024


Forensic video essay constructed as a performative research into the first international criminal tribunal case to enter convictions for war-time rape as a form of torture and sexual enslavement as a crime against humanity. While working solely with archive and testimonies, Silence of Reason acts as a memory itself: elusive and fluid, it rejects framing, moving in all directions, spatial and temporal. The singular experiences of violence and torture by women from the Foča rape camps during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina become our collective memories, surpassing time and space.

À travers une esthétique proche du cinéma expérimental — voix déformées, vidéo analogique, texte à l’écran — le film adopte une forme dérangeante mais profondément politique. Tout en dénonçant l’usage du viol comme arme de guerre, Silence of Reason narre une histoire jusque là toujours racontée du point de vue masculin pour permettre aux récits des femmes de traverser le temps et de prendre place dans la mémoire collective.