Tre Piani

Trois étages
Directed byNanni Moretti

Tre Piani

Trois étages
Directed byNanni Moretti, starringNanni Moretti, Denise Tantucci, Margherita Buy
  • COUNTRY Italie, France
  • Duration 119
  • Prices 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
  • Moderator ticket Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement UGC Unlimited


Three families, three floors, the same building. In his fifteenth feature film, Tre piani, nominated for the Palme d’Or at Cannes, Nanni Moretti interweaves intertwined destinies while exploring his favourite themes: mourning, guilt and the fragility of human relationships. A true poetry of everyday life, sober and universal.


A series of events will radically transform the lives of the inhabitants of a Roman apartment building, revealing their difficulty in being parents, brothers or neighbours in a world where resentment and fear seem to have taken over living together. While the men are prisoners of their own stubbornness, the women try, each in their own way, to mend these disunited lives and to finally pass on in peace a love that might have seemed to have disappeared forever.


Three families, three floors, the same building. In his fifteenth feature film, Tre piani, nominated for the Palme d’Or at Cannes, Nanni Moretti interweaves intertwined destinies while exploring his favourite themes: mourning, guilt and the fragility of human relationships. A true poetry of everyday life, sober and universal.


A series of events will radically transform the lives of the inhabitants of a Roman apartment building, revealing their difficulty in being parents, brothers or neighbours in a world where resentment and fear seem to have taken over living together. While the men are prisoners of their own stubbornness, the women try, each in their own way, to mend these disunited lives and to finally pass on in peace a love that might have seemed to have disappeared forever.

Note des lecteurs4 Votes

Une maîtrise, une sensibilité et une intelligence remarquables
Le Soir
Un équilibre parfait entre gravité et légèreté
La Libre
Nanni Moretti offre une merveille de cinéma.