La Civil

Directed byTeodora Mihail

La Civil

Directed byTeodora Mihail
  • Duration 140
  • Prices 9.00 €, 7.00 €, 6.50 €, 6.00 €
  • Moderator ticket Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited


La Civil’ is an urgent, fictionalised portrait of the everyday reality of increased violence against civilians in Mexico and gives a voice to the many parents who are left orphaned. The poignant drama about a Mexican mother whose daughter is kidnapped by a drug cartel had its world premiere at the @festivaldecannes, where it won the #PrixduCourage.


This is the story of Cielo, a mother looking for her daughter kidnapped by a cartel in northern Mexico. The authorities refusing to come to her aid, Cielo decides to get by on her own.


La Civil’ is an urgent, fictionalised portrait of the everyday reality of increased violence against civilians in Mexico and gives a voice to the many parents who are left orphaned. The poignant drama about a Mexican mother whose daughter is kidnapped by a drug cartel had its world premiere at the @festivaldecannes, where it won the #PrixduCourage.


This is the story of Cielo, a mother looking for her daughter kidnapped by a cartel in northern Mexico. The authorities refusing to come to her aid, Cielo decides to get by on her own.

Un premier film, une vraie maturité, et un superbe personnage de femme déterminée mais réfléchie, agressive mais pudique, optimiste mais lucide.
October 16, 2021