It’s Night Outside

Il fait nuit dehors
Directed byLéa Tonnaire, Caroline Guimbal

It’s Night Outside

Il fait nuit dehors
Directed byLéa Tonnaire, Caroline Guimbal
  • COUNTRY Belgique
  • 2020
  • Duration 65
  • Prices 6.00 €, 4.00 €


Kiev awakens and gently unfolds to the sound of the dreams of three young people: Vania, Denski and Saniok. Through their days and nights, directors Caroline Guimbal and Léa Tonnaire accompany them and take us on a journey of discovery of a lost generation in Ukraine.


Vania, Denski and Saniok have been friends forever. They live in the northern suburb of Kiev. In their thirties, their smiles and their desire to live without concessions have not been tarnished by the hardships, arrests and shenanigans. The future is hazy, each one invents a world of his own and finds a form of freedom in the present moment.


Kiev awakens and gently unfolds to the sound of the dreams of three young people: Vania, Denski and Saniok. Through their days and nights, directors Caroline Guimbal and Léa Tonnaire accompany them and take us on a journey of discovery of a lost generation in Ukraine.


Vania, Denski and Saniok have been friends forever. They live in the northern suburb of Kiev. In their thirties, their smiles and their desire to live without concessions have not been tarnished by the hardships, arrests and shenanigans. The future is hazy, each one invents a world of his own and finds a form of freedom in the present moment.

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