Les Indes Galantes + Rize – L’Heure d’Été 2024 – Focus Danse
Projection du court métrage Les Indes galantes (FR, 2017) de Clément Cogitore suivie de la projection du film de David LaChapelle, Rize.
Projection du court métrage Les Indes galantes (FR, 2017) de Clément Cogitore suivie de la projection du film de David LaChapelle, Rize.
Les Indes Galantes, Clement Cogitore, 2017, 6′, VOF
Clément Cogitore adapts a short part of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s ballet Les Indes galantes, with the help of a group of Krump dancers and three choreographers: Bintou Dembele, Igor Caruge and Brahim Rachiki.
Krump is a dance that originated in the Los Angeles ghettos in the 1990s. It grew out of the riots and brutal repression by the police after the beating of Rodney King.

Rize, David LaChapelle, 2005, 84′, VO st FR/NL
Rize reveals an urban phenomenon that is exploding in Los Angeles and spreading to the East Coast. Photographer David LaChapelle, who has been in contact with this phenomenon for a long time, has succeeded in capturing the birth of a revolutionary form of artistic expression that has grown out of the mal de vivre of those excluded from the American dream: krumping.
This aggressive and visually incredible dance, an alternative to the usual hip hop dance, has its roots in African tribal dances and is characterised by steps and movements of unparalleled speed and difficulty. Rize follows this fascinating evolution through the story of Tommy the Clown, an educator from South Central in Los Angeles, who invented this dance in response to the race riots following the Rodney King affair.

- This year, as part of the L'Heure d'Été Festival, we're bringing you an open-air focus on dance. Join us to celebrate the beauty of dance in a naturally friendly setting.