Notes from Brussels

Directed byNadine van Loon

Notes from Brussels

Directed byNadine van Loon
  • Duration 79
  • Prices 9€, 7€, 6.50€, 6.00€
  • Moderator ticket Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited


‘Notes from Brussels’ shows the human face behind the ‘Brussels bubble’. The documentary interweaves three intimate portraits of women in different phases of their life; a young French political assistant in the European Parliament, a Polish trade journalist and a German top EU official. The film “allows you to pause and reflect, together with the main characters, on more fundamental questions”.


What sacrifices are we willing to make to maintain our trajectory career? What choices would we reconsider in hindsight? Nadine van Loon’s ‘Notes from Brussels’ follows three women and their drive to keep ahead in Brussels’ fast-paced institutions as they pursue their European dream.


‘Notes from Brussels’ shows the human face behind the ‘Brussels bubble’. The documentary interweaves three intimate portraits of women in different phases of their life; a young French political assistant in the European Parliament, a Polish trade journalist and a German top EU official. The film “allows you to pause and reflect, together with the main characters, on more fundamental questions”.


What sacrifices are we willing to make to maintain our trajectory career? What choices would we reconsider in hindsight? Nadine van Loon’s ‘Notes from Brussels’ follows three women and their drive to keep ahead in Brussels’ fast-paced institutions as they pursue their European dream.

Additional information

World Premiere followed by a discussion with director and the cast 02/12  7 p.m : 10€ – SOLD OUT

Screening on 8/12 9 p.m : SOLD OUT

Screening on 15/12 7 p.m followed by a Q&A with director Nadine van Loon and main character Beate Gminder. – SOLD OUT

Screening on 22/12 7 p.m : Still some tickets left!





Voor Europese droom betalen vrouwen nog steeds een hoge tol

Apache – Belgische nieuwswebsite en coöperatie voor kritische en progressieve onderzoeksjournalistiek

Leven in de Brusselse bubbel is soms ergerlijk, maar ontsnappen is moeilijk, The Dutch Financial newspaper ‘Het Financieel Dagblad’