Tout commence

Directed byFrédéric Choffat

Tout commence

Directed byFrédéric Choffat
  • COUNTRY Suisse
  • Duration 92
  • Prices 8.00 €, 6.00 €
  • Moderator ticket Article 27, Arsène 50
  • Abonnement Carte 5 places, UGC Unlimited


In early 2019, young people marched through the streets of Switzerland and around the world to raise awareness of the climate emergency. The coronavirus is coming in 2020, brutally cutting them off and silencing them. Was this generation sacrificed?


In early 2019, young people marched through the streets of Switzerland and around the world to raise awareness of the climate emergency. The coronavirus is coming in 2020, brutally cutting them off and silencing them. Was this generation sacrificed?

Swiss director born in 1973 in Agadir, Morocco, he lives between Geneva and Los Angeles. After studying photography, he began directing studies at the Cantonal School of Art in Lausanne. His first fiction feature film “Real Life Is Elsewhere” won several awards. The same year, he made a documentary in Geneva entitled “Sages Femmes”. In 2008, he directed an essay on the text “Third Night of Walpurgis” by Karl Kraus, with José Lillo Walpurgis, then “Marcel Ophuls and Jean-Luc Godard, the Meeting of St-Gervais” in 2011. In 2011, he presented his second feature film, “Mangrove” in international competition. He has worked since 1997 with screenwriter Julie Gilbert and also produces cinematographic creations for the theater and contemporary music.