White Cube

Directed byRenzo Martens

White Cube

Directed byRenzo Martens, starringBrooke Davis, AndersonSasha Dees
  • ORIGINAL LANGUAGE Lingala, French, English
  • COUNTRY Pays-Bas, Belgique, RDC
  • Duration 79
  • Prices 7.50 €
  • Moderator ticket Article 27
  • Abonnement Cineville Pass


White Cube is the highly anticipated new film by artist and filmmaker Renzo Martens (Enjoy Poverty). The film shows the relationship between Western art museums and the violence of the plantation system. Many museums are built with the profits from the plantations. In White Cube, Congolese plantation workers have set a new precedent. They manage to use the concept of the "white cube" to buy back their land from international plantation companies and protect it for future generations.


White Cube is the highly anticipated new film by artist and filmmaker Renzo Martens (Enjoy Poverty). The film shows the relationship between Western art museums and the violence of the plantation system. Many museums are built with the profits from the plantations. In White Cube, Congolese plantation workers have set a new precedent. They manage to use the concept of the "white cube" to buy back their land from international plantation companies and protect it for future generations.