- Read more [Expat Cinema : Les Filles d’Olfa]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Read more [Expat Cinema : Yannick]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- From 25 October to 4 November 2023This year marks the 17th edition of the Filem'On international film festival for young audiences, which runs from 25 October to 4 November 2023. As it does every year, the festival is presenting unique and previously unreleased films to families and associations in a number of cinemas and cultural centres in Brussels.Read more [FILEM’ON 2023]
- From 22 October to 17 December 2023From October 22nd to December 17th, 2023, Cinema Galeries, in partnership with the Korean Cultural Center, offers you an exhibition and a retrospective of the work of director Park Chan-wook, on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Old Boy.Read more [Retrospective Park Chan-wook]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Le film sera suivi par un échange avec Sébastien Biaudelle (Association Esperanto) et Laurence Detheux (Magistrat de la jeunesse) en FR et NL. La participation est gratuite mais le nombre de places est limité. L’inscription est obligatoire au plus tard pour le 15 octobre.Read more [Noémie dit oui]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Le film est accompagné de 3 court-métrages d'animation.Read more [Les Tourouges et les Toubleus]
- Read more [L’Autre Laurens]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Le film sera suivi par un échange avec avec Jan Knockaert (Fairwork Belgium) et Bruno Devillé (ONSS Bruxelles) en français et néerlandais. La participation est gratuite mais le nombre de place est limité. L’inscription est obligatoire au plus tard pour le 14 octobre.Read more [Oleg]
Forum : les mondes agricoles et écologistes peuvent-ils encore se parler ? (Gratuit sur réservation)
Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Agriculture et écologie : les mondes agricole et écologiste peuvent-ils encore se parler ? Débat organisé par Humundi, Rencontre des Continents, Oxfam Magasins du Monde, FIAN Belgique et QuinoaRead more [Forum : les mondes agricoles et écologistes peuvent-ils encore se parler ? (Gratuit sur réservation)]- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.La publicité guide et façonne nos choix, nos comportements jusqu’à nos mentalités et nos imaginaires. Nous sommes tous confrontés à des pubs qui nous choquent ou nous questionnent. Alors, venez déjouer les arguments écologiques trompeurs, les idées reçues, les représentations ou les slogans fallacieux. Décortiquons-les et débattons ensemble ! Pour tous les publics à partir de 16 ans, pour une durée de 90 minutes. En partenariat avec Média Animation ASBL.Read more [Atelier Décryptage : la bouffe dans la pub (gratuit sur réservation)]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.« Aujourd’hui, beaucoup de signes pourraient nous faire penser que nous fonçons droit dans le mur. Mais est-ce réel ? Pouvons-nous faire autrement ? » Face aux crises successives et à l’état du monde, deux citoyennes décident d’agir en changeant leur manière de se nourrir. « De la fourche à l’assiette », nos choix alimentaires définissent notre rapport au vivant. Quels modèles agricoles soutenir pour respecter la terre et renforcer les liens entre mangeur·euse·s et producteur·rice·s ? Une rencontre pour ouvrir les imaginaires sur la transition et booster les énergies collectives.Read more [Le vrai prix de l’alimentation : intervention théâtrale + échanges]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.A screening programmed by Le p'tit ciné, in collaboration with Cinéma Galeries and Kinolatino. This screening is part of the "Nunca Más" series, organised by LPC around the memory of dictatorships in the Southern Cone. Free breakfast from 9:40Read more [Unas Preguntas]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Faire de la musique avec des déchets, c’est le pari de Trashbeatz ! Composé d’un trio de percussionnistes belges, Trashbeatz est le groupe le plus écologique du monde. Des vieilles canalisations de pluie aux extincteurs et aux bouteilles de shampoing jetés, Trashbeatz fait de la musique avec toutes sortes de déchets.Read more [CONCERT DE TRASHBEATZ]
- Read more [Banel & Adama]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- From 10 October to 15 October 2023The festival that cultivates a fairer world. A selection of Belgian and international films (documentaries, dramas, animated films, short films), committed debates, screenings for young audiences, friendly encounters, festive moments and concerts about the challenges of food and agriculture in the world! An initiative by the NGO Humundi, in collaboration with a number of partners, to work together to reinvent our food systems and propose concrete, fair and sustainable solutions for the planet.Read more [Festival Alimenterre 2023]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Strange Way of Life had its world premiere at the Cannes Festival 2023: Official Selection in competition for the Queer Palm.Read more [Strange Way of Life]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.The film will be introduced to the audience by representatives of the Sámi community. After the screening, guests are welcome to attend a drinks reception at the cinema. The event is free of charge, and registration will open two weeks prior to the event. This film screening is organized by The Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux, The Embassy of Finland, tThe Finnish Presidency of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council 2021-2023, and Sámediggi - the Sámi Parliament.Read more [Eatnameamet – Our Silent Struggle]
- From 28 September to 5 October 2023Korean culture has made spectacular strides over the past decade, gaining ground with the Western masses thanks to Oscar-winning films like Parasite, immensely popular K-pop and captivating series like The Squid Game. So thanks for waiting, the 11th edition is fast approaching! This year's festival kicks off in Brussels on September 28 and runs until October 5. 15 classic and never-before-seen films will be screened.Read more [11th Korean Film Festival]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.In the presence of the director Laurent Van Lancker. This screening is organized as part of la fête de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles.Read more [Fête de la FWB – We Others]
- From 21 September to 17 December 2023To mark the 20th anniversary of OLD BOY, Cinema Galeries, in partnership with the Korean Cultural Center in Brussels, is hosting an exhibition focussed on Park Chan-wook's cult film. Exhibition 21.09 > 17.12 Open from Tuesday to Sunday 13-21h Free entrance!Read more [Oldboy: the 20th anniversary – Exhibition]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.After the screening, there is a discussion (EN) on Russian propaganda/disinformation in Central Asia and the war in Ukraine. This film is part of the “Resilience and Engagement with Varied Information for a Vibrant Environment (REVIVE)” project and was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Ainur Koskina and Internews and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European UnionRead more [The Crimean Caravan]
- Read more [This is Not a Burial, it is a Resurrection]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Followed by a Q&A with choreographer Julie Desprairies and Vladimir Léon.Read more [Tes jambes nues]
- From 17 September to 23 September 2023In partnership with La Monnaie and on the occasion of the premiere of the opera Cassandre, don't miss these three special screenings. The films in this selection, in the manner of the mythological figure of Cassandra, give us a glimpse of the future, focusing on ecological themes.Read more [Cassandra – La Monnaie]
- Read more [Yannick]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.In partnership with Pink Screens Sundance Film Festival 2023.Read more [Rotting in the sun]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Festival International du film d'animation d'Annecy 2023 : Sélection en compétitionRead more [Le Château solitaire dans le miroir]
- Read more [VF – Le Château Solitaire dans le Miroir]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Présenté en première mondiale au Festival de Berlin 2023 dans la section Panorama le 17 février 2023.Read more [Avant-première La Bête dans la jungle]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Palme d'Or - Cannes 2023Read more [Avant-première Anatomie d’une chute]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Palme d'Or - Cannes Film Festival 2023Read more [Expat Cinema : Avant-Première Anatomie d’une chute]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.In the presence of director Kaouther Ben Hania! Presented in official competition at the Cannes Film Festival 2023 and winner of the Œil d'Or for best documentaryRead more [Avant-Première : Les Filles d’Olfa]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.SOLD OUT Reservations required via the ticketing link Cinevillers can bring a +1 for free! Strange Way of Life had its world premiere at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival: Official Selection in competition for the Queer Palm.Read more [Avant-première Strange Way of Life – Cineville + 1]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.In partnership with Pink Screens. Strange Way of Life had its world premiere at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival: Official Selection in competition for the Queer Palm.Read more [Premiere: Strange way of life]
- Read more [How to blow up a pipeline]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Read more [Omar y Gloria]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Festival international du film de Varsovie 2020 : NETPAC Award. Festival du cinéma japonais contemporain Kinotayo 2022 : Soleil d'or du public.Read more [La Famille Asada]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.The film had its world premiere at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival on January 23, 2023.Read more [Mutt]
- Read more [Oliverio y la Piscina]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Comment trouver sa place parmi les autres ? Moules-Frites est…Read more [Capitaines]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Attended by the movie crewRead more [Fils de Plouc]