L’heure d’hiver Teheran
For its new edition of its annual film festival l’HEURE D’HIVER, a focus on Iranian Cinema is proposed at the CINEMA GALERIES but also in other places in Brussels. It will be the opportunity to dive into the heart of Iranian cinema teeming with unique authors and filmmakers who question themselves more than ever about the world and people.
For its new edition of its annual film festival l’HEURE D’HIVER, a focus on Iranian Cinema is proposed at the CINEMA GALERIES but also in other places in Brussels. It will be the opportunity to dive into the heart of Iranian cinema teeming with unique authors and filmmakers who question themselves more than ever about the world and people.

For its new edition of its annual film festival l’HEURE D’HIVER, a focus on Iranian Cinema is proposed at the CINEMA GALERIES but also in other places in Brussels. It will be the opportunity to dive into the heart of Iranian cinema teeming with unique authors and filmmakers who question themselves more than ever about the world and people. Meetings, unpublished works, tributes, performances, exhibitions…
A multidisciplinary program that will warm up winter.
What does Tehran look like? How do people get around the city? How do they live there? How do social classes blend together? How does the presence of women fit into the public space? What are the traces of the past, the history of the country, its identity? And how does the city plan for the future?
First impression? Intimidating. On the street, the Iranian capital is teeming with youth, clogged with traffic jams and noisy until late at night. In the city, nostalgia for the Shah and the cult of Ayatollah Khomeini are mixed.
In short, Tehran is full of life. The tchador is in minority in the north of the city, but one frequently comes across young women who are barely veiled, with make-up and a small bandage on their nose.
The emergence of Californian-style cosmetic surgery in a reputedly prudish Islamic Republic is surprising. However, this tension between modernity and conservatism illustrates the ambiguous relationship between recent history and Iranian reality.
While the political news from Iran at the beginning of January is appearing in our media, and concern about the stability of a country and its relations with the other major world powers is growing, It is the story of Iranian people that we want to tell.
During a month and about thirty films will get you to discover the capital of Iran and its inhabitants.
Among the selected films: Writing on the city (Vision du réel 2016) will open the festival with a meeting with the director Keywan Karimi.
Practical Informations :
DATE | 15.01 – 18.02.18
MEET THE ARTISTS 1/6 | Opening : 15.01 I 19:00 / Writing on the city I Un débat suivra la projection en présence du réalisateur Keywan Karimi.
FILMS | At Cinéma Galeries but also in other locations
EXHIBITION | “Téhéran une ville au pied des montagnes” & “Kavir”. Gratuit. From wednesday to sunday from 13:00 to 20:00. Opening I 18.01 / 19:00 (closed on 7, 8, 9 & 10 february)
CONCERT | 09.02 I 19:00 Expo & Live Show: musical performance with Sote, Kali & Crat during exhibition Kavir. Presales 8e / 10e On door
KIDS I Animation Short-Film du Studio Kanoon-Iran for family.
BOOKSHOP I In collaboration with Tropismes library.