- From 12 March to 21 March 2025Each year, L’Heure d’Hiver invites you to explore a city…Read more [L’heure d’hiver 2025 : Napoli]
Saturday 29 MarchRoom 1 21:00VOF st ENAvant-première en présence des réalisateursRead more [Avant-première : Aimer Perdre]- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.If you are a pass holder, you can discover the movie with the +1 of your choice. First come, first served! We therefore strongly recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes early!Read more [Avant-première : Memoir of a Snail Cineville + 1]
- From 27 January to 2 February 2025Le Pass En ville ! 2025 est disponible en ligne et…Read more [Festival En Ville 2025]
- From 21 January to 26 January 2025Nordic films come back to Brussels for the fourth edition of Polarise Nordic Film Nights! Meet us at the Cinema Galeries to share an outstanding selection of features and short films from the 21 to 26 January 2025.Read more [Polarise Nordic Film Nights 2025]
- From 2 January to 23 January 2025In January 2025, rediscover the films that marked 2024!Read more [BEST OF – CINEMA GALERIES 2024]
- From 26 October to 2 November 2024This year marks the 18th edition of the Filem’On international film festival for young audiences, which runs from 23 October to 6 November 2024. As it does every year, the festival is presenting unique and previously unreleased films to families and associations in a number of cinemas and cultural centres in Brussels.Read more [FILEM’ON 2024]
- From 20 October to 29 December 2024From 20 October to 29 December, (re)discover Wong Kar-wai's masterpieces!Read more [Rétrospective Wong Kar-wai]
- From 17 October to 20 October 2024SNAP is a festival dedicated to sex work representations, discourses and narratives. For this new edition, the Halles de Schaerbeek will host the live arts program of the festival on October 18th and 19th while the Cinéma Galeries will be the place for movie screenings.Read more [SNAP! FESTIVAL]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.La Ville de Bruxelles collabore avec le Cinéma Galeries pour inviter Iris Brey, spécialiste des représentations de genre et des sexualités au cinéma et dans les séries télévisées. Elle sera interviewée par Safia Kessas, journaliste et réalisatrice (Les Grenades)Read more [Conférence Cultur’elle – Iris Brey]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Best actress & Jury Prize - Cannes Film FestivalRead more [Avant-première : Emilia Perez]
- Read more [Expat Cinema Avant-première : Emilia Perez]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- From 25 July to 22 August 2024This year, as part of the L'Heure d'Été Festival, we're bringing you an open-air focus on dance. Join us to celebrate the beauty of dance in a naturally friendly setting.Read more [L’Heure d’Été 2024 – Focus Danse]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Baltimore, 1962, Tracy hopes to become one of the stars of a popular dance show and win the coveted crown of ‘Miss Car Show’.Read more [Hairspray – L’Heure d’Été 2024 – Focus Danse]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.A protagonist wanders the streets of Hong Kong, mixing past, present, reality and fantasy.Read more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Borrowed Time]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.In the presence of the director In this manhunt thriller inspired by true events, past and present collide, exploring themes of justice and redemption.Read more [Avant-Première : Les Fantômes]
- From 15 July to 17 July 2024Following on from our annual festival l'Heure d'été, this year we're presenting a totally free outdoor event on the themes of water, ecology and living together, in partnership with Cultureghem. Cultureghem works with the 40,000 m2 abattoir market to create a strong social, cultural and artistic link with the local population.Read more [L’Heure d’été 2024 – Jeune public]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Hong Kong, 1980. A young girl pushes three young boys, responsible for a murder, into a murderous and nihilistic drift. Restored versionRead more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : L’Enfer des Armes]
- Read more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Big Blue Lake]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Directors Ester Gould and Reijer Zwaan capture the testimonies of these men and weave a moving story about the complexity of standing up for your identity.Read more [Strike a Pose – L’Heure d’Été 2024 – Focus Danse]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Restored version The film that inspired Martin Scorsese's The DepartedRead more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Infernal Affairs]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Four young men spend their time living the wild life - until one of them is brutally murdered during a burglary. Restored versionRead more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Amours Déchus]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.The film tells the story of the ball through the dancers and musicians, and the stories and encounters that take place ...Read more [Le Grand Bal – L’Heure d’Été 2024 – Focus Danse]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Screening in the presence of the director Alejandro RojasRead more [Avant-première : Upon Entry]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.This mix of documentary, fiction, and visions of the future reveals the current state of desolate depression among the people of Hong Kong. “A desperate attempt to capture the final moments of a sinking island”, as maker Chan Tze-woon himself puts it.Read more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Blue Island]
- Read more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Mad World]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Projection du court métrage Les Indes galantes (FR, 2017) de Clément Cogitore suivie de la projection du film de David LaChapelle, Rize.Read more [Les Indes Galantes + Rize – L’Heure d’Été 2024 – Focus Danse]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Shot a few months before Hong Kong joined China, director Fruit Chan's third film angrily conveys the sense of urgency in a society with an uncertain future. Restored versionRead more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Made in Hong Kong]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.In his film, Evans Chan gives voice to activists, students and politicians, as well as footage of this incredible act of protest that rocked Hong Kong's political world.Read more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Raise the Umbrellas]
- Read more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : McDull dans les nuages]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.The story of two police officers in Hong Kong and their difficulties with love. They wander in loneliness and disillusionment despite their densely populated surroundings. Restored versionRead more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Chungking Express]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Best Actor, Cannes Film FestivalRead more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : In the Mood for Love]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.The Chinese Feast is a classic, optimistic tale of redemption and learning.Read more [L’heure d’été Hong Kong : Le Festin Chinois]
- From 25 June to 3 July 2024Are you looking forward to the 7th edition of the BRIFF?Read more [BRIFF – Brussels International Film Festival 2024]
- Read more [Bozar Extra Muros : Youth]Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.
- From 9 May to 12 May 2024In the programme: - Intercepted, Oksana Karpovych - La Palisiada by Philip Sotnychenko - We will not Fade away, Alisa Kovalenko - 20 days in Mariupol, Mstyslav Chernov - Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors, Sergei ParajanovRead more [Ukraine on Film 2024]
- From 6 May to 29 May 2024This spring, the European Union will convene the eighth Brussels…Read more [Syrian Film Festival]
- From 1 May to 1 May 2024In our cinema: Films for Young Audiences (Famille +7) & Regards sur l'EuropeRead more [Brussels Short Film Festival BSFF 2024]
- From 22 April to 27 April 2024Scéal Eile is committed to presenting the best of Irish cinema in Belgium. Supported by the Irish Embassy in Belgium, Culture Ireland, the Irish Film Institute, the office of the Northern Ireland Executive in Brussels, the UK Mission to the EU, the Irish College Leuven and Solas Creative Agency.Read more [SCÉAL EILE – Irish Film Festival 2024]
- From 18 April to 20 April 2024L’initiative d’organiser un festival de cinéma dédié à l’Amérique Latine…Read more [KINOLATINO]
- From 15 April to 16 April 2024One World in Brussels is an annual showcase of a selection of films from the One World Festival in Czechia, currently the world's largest human rights film festival. The 17th edition of One World in Brussels takes place between 15 and 19 April 2024. Each film will be accompanied by a discussion with influential guests with strong voices. Organized by People in Need in cooperation with Czech Centre Brussels and the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU.Read more [One World Film Festival 2024]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Cinéma Galeries and Imagine Film Distribution present An evening around Argentina with the anti-heist film Los Delincuentes, winner of the Grand Prize at the Ghent Festival and selected for "Un Certain Regard" at Cannes.Read more [Avant-première : Los Delincuentes]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Dear Greek lovers, From Athens to Brussels with love presents…Read more [From Athens to Brussels with love – BRASSERIE ILLEGAAL]
- From 13 March to 21 March 2024As every year, CINEMA GALERIES invites you to discover its selection of films during L'Heure d'hiver, the festival that highlights Mediterranean cinema. In 2024, we will celebrate the city of Athens in partnership with the Thessaloniki International Film Festival.Read more [L’heure d’hiver 2024 – ATHÈNES]
- From 5 February to 11 February 2024Brussels Independent Film Festival is back! 60+ Films scheduled // 5 to 11 February 2024 // FREE screenings at Cinema Galeries and online.Read more [Brussels Independent Film Festival 2024]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Entre tension et intention, rire et larmes, le monteur-réalisateur Qutaiba Barhamji nous guide à travers les moments clés qui définissent un récit. Il utilise notamment How to Save a Dead Friend (Grand Prix Agnès – En ville ! 2023), Still Recording et Little Palestine, Journal d’un Siège(Prix du Jury – En ville ! 2021), trois films qui, à l'origine, n'étaient pas destinés à devenir des films.Read more [Festival En ville! – MASTER CLASSE : QUTAIBA BAHRAMJI]
- From 20 January to 1 February 2024Read more [Festival Polarise Nordic Film Nights 2024]
Welcome to the 3rd Polarise Nordic Film Nights from 20 January to 1 February at Cinema Galeries! Nine amazing Nordic films have been selected for you by an enthusiastic and committed collective of Nordic cinema lovers which aims at bringing to Brussels the best of Nordic cinema and the most interesting talents from the North.
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Yoruba Richen est une réalisatrice américaine de documentaires multi-primés. Elle est également la directrice fondatrice du programme documentaire de l’école supérieure de journalisme Craig Newmark (City University of New York). Son travail réunit les voix afro-américaines, féministes et LGBTQIA+ au sein du combat pour des droits civiques pour tousxtes. A travers ses films, elle met en lumière l’histoire occultée des figures afro-américaines et comment elles ont contribué à leur échelle et dans leurs combats à changer en profondeur la société américaine. Lors d’une conversation animée par la programmatrice Lyse Ishimwe (Recognition), elle parlera de sa carrière, de ses films et de ses combats. Recognition est une initiative basée à Bruxelles dont l’objectif est de donner une plus grande visibilité à l’art et à la culture de l’Afrique et de la diaspora africaine.Read more [Masterclass – Yoruba Richen]
- From 9 November to 18 November 2023Pink Screens, c'est dix jours de cinéma, une centaine de films de tous les horizons, une exposition, des discussions, de nombreu·x·ses invité·es et des soirées déjantées, le cru 2023 fera une fois encore le tour du monde en mettant à l’honneur la multiplicité des regards, des corps et des sexualités. Notre indéfectible mission, toujours essentielle et nécessaire, est d'être une plateforme d’expression et de découverte de celleux qui se plaisent à bouleverser les représentations normées et à questionner les genres.Read more [PINK SCREENS FESTIVAL 2023]
- From 25 October to 4 November 2023This year marks the 17th edition of the Filem'On international film festival for young audiences, which runs from 25 October to 4 November 2023. As it does every year, the festival is presenting unique and previously unreleased films to families and associations in a number of cinemas and cultural centres in Brussels.Read more [FILEM’ON 2023]
- From 22 October to 17 December 2023From October 22nd to December 17th, 2023, Cinema Galeries, in partnership with the Korean Cultural Center, offers you an exhibition and a retrospective of the work of director Park Chan-wook, on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Old Boy.Read more [Retrospective Park Chan-wook]
Forum : les mondes agricoles et écologistes peuvent-ils encore se parler ? (Gratuit sur réservation)
Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Agriculture et écologie : les mondes agricole et écologiste peuvent-ils encore se parler ? Débat organisé par Humundi, Rencontre des Continents, Oxfam Magasins du Monde, FIAN Belgique et QuinoaRead more [Forum : les mondes agricoles et écologistes peuvent-ils encore se parler ? (Gratuit sur réservation)]- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.La publicité guide et façonne nos choix, nos comportements jusqu’à nos mentalités et nos imaginaires. Nous sommes tous confrontés à des pubs qui nous choquent ou nous questionnent. Alors, venez déjouer les arguments écologiques trompeurs, les idées reçues, les représentations ou les slogans fallacieux. Décortiquons-les et débattons ensemble ! Pour tous les publics à partir de 16 ans, pour une durée de 90 minutes. En partenariat avec Média Animation ASBL.Read more [Atelier Décryptage : la bouffe dans la pub (gratuit sur réservation)]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.« Aujourd’hui, beaucoup de signes pourraient nous faire penser que nous fonçons droit dans le mur. Mais est-ce réel ? Pouvons-nous faire autrement ? » Face aux crises successives et à l’état du monde, deux citoyennes décident d’agir en changeant leur manière de se nourrir. « De la fourche à l’assiette », nos choix alimentaires définissent notre rapport au vivant. Quels modèles agricoles soutenir pour respecter la terre et renforcer les liens entre mangeur·euse·s et producteur·rice·s ? Une rencontre pour ouvrir les imaginaires sur la transition et booster les énergies collectives.Read more [Le vrai prix de l’alimentation : intervention théâtrale + échanges]
- Our programme is updated every Monday evening for the coming week. No shows found for this movie.Faire de la musique avec des déchets, c’est le pari de Trashbeatz ! Composé d’un trio de percussionnistes belges, Trashbeatz est le groupe le plus écologique du monde. Des vieilles canalisations de pluie aux extincteurs et aux bouteilles de shampoing jetés, Trashbeatz fait de la musique avec toutes sortes de déchets.Read more [CONCERT DE TRASHBEATZ]
- From 10 October to 15 October 2023The festival that cultivates a fairer world. A selection of Belgian and international films (documentaries, dramas, animated films, short films), committed debates, screenings for young audiences, friendly encounters, festive moments and concerts about the challenges of food and agriculture in the world! An initiative by the NGO Humundi, in collaboration with a number of partners, to work together to reinvent our food systems and propose concrete, fair and sustainable solutions for the planet.Read more [Festival Alimenterre 2023]